Passport for the facade of the building

The appearance of any city has been formed for decades and continues to form in the future. They build new buildings, there is a reconstruction of the buildings of existing ones, and at the same time people are completely indifferent to what their city will be in the future.

The prospective development of cities can be determined primarily in the general plans of their. But the creation of the building and its design in the future is carried out in strict accordance with the Town Planning Code.

Many cities carry out a lot of work on passports of the facades of unique and buildings that have historical value. In addition, the passport of the facade of the building is included in the mandatory list of the main documents that are part of the project.

The passport of the facades of the building is a document in which the main characteristics of the main, lateral, courtyard facade are carefully worked out. The materials that are used for decoration and coloristic solutions are indicated. The passport indicates all the necessary information about the facade with color images.

Include information about the general characteristics of the building in the facades passport. This is the shape of the facade, its location in the city, the total area, number of storeys and volume of the building. In addition, a detailed characteristic of the architectural elements of the facades of the building is shown. As a result, no owner can change the appearance of the facade of the building without coordination with the city administration.

Recently, they have often been conducting energy efficiency and energy saving. The main task of the thermal protection of buildings. Therefore, attention is now paid to additional measures for the installation of effective thermal protection, and these works are also indicated in the passport.

The presence of a building passport with the owner will greatly help to facilitate the decision with the administration of issues regarding the renewal of the facade.