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Why choose Cyprus for living

Cyprus is an island in the Mediterranean Sea with incredible beauty and picturesque nature. Its location between Africa, Asia and Europe has given Cyprus an incredible landscape that cannot be found in any other country in the world.

Why should you move to Cyprus

Endless beaches combined with mountainous nature, unique cultural traditions, a high standard of living and opportunities for a high-class society - Cyprus provides all this. If we talk about moving to Europe, many experts advise choosing Cyprus. There are already formed classes of immigrants here who speak to different countries, which makes the move more comfortable and quicker to adapt to.

So why should you move to Cyprus?

  1. Incredible natural beauty and comfortable microclimate. There are long summers and short mild winters. Snow occurs here only in some parts and rarely; winters are mostly rainy and summers are dry.
  2. Slow and measured life, there is no fuss and crazy rhythm of life in big cities. People here enjoy life, are not in a hurry and are in no hurry to live. Shops here close early as people spend part of their time socializing with family and friends, enjoying socializing and organizing celebrations.
  3. Presence of diaspora and community. Cypriots cope with immigrants, so locals speak English, Greek and Russian. This is the most popular language.
  4. High-quality education for married couples for permanent residence. There are schools here, after which you can enter the best universities in Europe, America and Asia. Such schools are expensive and they are not affordable everywhere, which is why Cyprus is considered an elite island.
  5. There are no harmful industries or industries here, there is only nature, sea and mountains. The air here is clean, fresh, without any pollution. The only harmful things here are dust storms, which occur only in spring. This climate is ideal for people suffering from asthma.
  6. Lowest crime rate.

And although the island is considered a place of high society, the cost of housing here is lower than in America or Europe. Housing in Cyprus is available for both purchase and rental. Cyprus was chosen for many reasons, but one thing can be said - it is a beautiful, picturesque place, with clean air and a high standard of living.


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