Today China and its economy are developing violently

Today, China and its economy are developing violently, which is well observed according to statistical data over the past few years. Thanks to reforms that had not previously been allowed to intervene (within reasonable limits) to the state in the economy, raised it to a high level. However, now, when the economy of the whole world feels a crisis, state intervention is felt very much. This applies, for example, to contain prices, which was an important reform of this time. If prices grew all over the world, then they remained low. Control for prices is carried out by special bodies and local residents of the country go to the meeting – just fulfilling all laws. China is considered law -abiding country.

China is considered a very export -oriented country. There is not a single country in the world where there are no goods from China on sale. Today Russia and China are in close commodity-economic relations. Many organizations search for suppliers in China of various goods. Having found such companies and establishing commodity relations with China through them, one can evaluate the activities of any trade – industrial sphere as a successful.