Since 2015, migrants need to take an exam in the Russian language

Starting next year, all migrants applying for a work permit on the territory of the Russian Federation are valid for passing the exam to confirm the level of ownership of the Russian language. Society. Migrants who claim to receive work in the Russian Federation are required to successfully pass the examination exam at the required level. The requirement comes into effect from next year. However, now it is required to pass the exam by labor migrants who want to work in the field of service, housing and communal services and trade enterprises. Since 2015, for all foreigners who want to get a job in Russia, an obligation will be valid for special courses to study the Russian language and confirm the level of development of the knowledge gained in the form of a special exam. At the moment, most foreigners who have arrived in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities of Russia have problems with language knowledge, and difficulties cause not only translation of text or oral translation, but in many cases ordinary conversational speech. Some of the migrants are nevertheless contacted by the Translation Bureau in some cases, but this does not change the essence of the problem that has arisen. The language problem created by the unprecedented influx of labor migrants at least twice became extremely relevant in the Russian capital. It is worth recalling the fact of the brutal beating of a law enforcement officer on the territory of the Matveevsky market and mass pogroms in the West Biryulyovo area. Following the indicated events, the security forces have been held a number of mass raids at the places of the greatest concentration of foreigners-illegals in Moscow. If necessary, visit the Translation Bureau in Moscow should only be trusted professionals.