
The Italian architectural company “AM Progetti” finally finished work on the “high” in Guangzhou, called “Guangzhou Circle Mansion”.

Craftsmen designed a device that converts the fire to the electrical energy. “Imagine you are high in the mountains or got lost in the forest or went to the field,” says Ruslan Sukhov, teacher of the Physics and Energy Faculty of Kharkov National University named after. Karazin. – We must call immediately … but how?””. – Mobile battery on “zero”, near – not a soul … What to do?

Nor frost (and at a height of a flight of 1200 meters, the air temperature was below zero), no turbulence prevented Elena Ostakova and Alexander Kuznetsov to prove to the whole world that Ukraine is the strongest in this sport.

In Ukraine, the popularity of growing energy crops – plants bred by breeders, which are unpretentious to the conditions, are growing rapidly and after a few years give a good crop. About the “green competitors” of gas we are talking

The World Economic Forum in the annual global competitiveness index (GCI) has published a global rating as a state of roads in different countries. Ukraine was already in 139th place, that is, in the sixth from the end.

Even weather forecasters of the Ukrhydrometenter predict that this week frosts on the basis will be observed in Ukraine. -September 25-26, the cyclone will depart, and after that it will become even colder. At night, frosts should be expected even to minus 5 degrees, ”said Lyudmila Savchenko, head of the meteorological forecasts of the Ukrhydrometeorological Center.

– According to the law, which entered into force, students, cadets, listeners, interns, clinical residents, graduate students, doctoral students for the period of military service for mobilization, guaranteed maintenance of the place of study