Video of the clash of the Japanese and Chinese ships hit YouTube

The Agency “Agency France-Presse” reports that on the fourth of November in the evening, on the website of YouTube posted a video of the seventh of September and Chinese ships of the marine incident. This video clearly shows that at first the Chinese trawler adheres to a parallel course with a Japanese vessel, but at some point it sharply changes the trajectory of movement, which is why it crashes into board the Japanese. The presented entry was removed by sailors from the Japanese vessel, which was attacked.

Presumably, it was the case of the clash of these two ships that led to the emergence of a conflict between China and Japan. Until the fourth of November, this video was represented only by the Japanese Prime Minister-Nato Kan, as well as several dozens of parliamentarians of this country. Earlier, the Japanese government stated that in order to avoid the escalation of the international conflict, it is not going to publish a record for open masses.

Surrounded by the Prime Minister of Japan, expressed a strong concern for the publication of a video of the incident on the YouTube website. According to Josito Sengok, the head of the Cabinet of Ministers, the head of the Chinese government, have already made a request for diplomatic channels.

Earlier in Beijing, they protested due to the fact that after the incident the incident, Japan arrested a Chinese ship with its captain. A little later they were released without any charges. However, the conflict did not exhaust itself on this. The situation arose is also complicated by the fact that the clash occurred in the area of ​​the islands disputed by both sides, which are located in the East China Sea, which is considered by Japan its territory.