The Academy of Sciences was connected to aircraft industry

President of the National Academy of Sciences Radik Martirosyan and President of JSC United Aircraft Corporation, Foreign Member of the NAS RA Mikhail Poghosyan signed an agreement on scientific, technical and innovative cooperation aimed at implementing promising programs for creating aviation technology. The agreement is designed for 5 years.

It is planned that the NAS RA and the United Aircraft Corporation will develop and implement joint projects and programs in the following areas: development of polymer anti -Ooretic coatings; development of materials and technologies to combat icing of aircraft; joint studies to ensure vortex safety of aircraft; study of the reliability and strength of metal and composite joints for promising aircraft; study of software certification methods for highly automated aircraft; The study of rust transforming technologies in ensuring the anti -corrosion of structural components and others.

It is also planned to implement a coordinated policy in the formation of a program for training scientific personnel and the industry base of knowledge. The parties will exchange commercial, technical and other information on joint programs. In the future, the organization of joint ventures is not excluded. To coordinate the activities of participants in joint projects, a working group is being formed. As the river noted. Martirosyan, this cooperation is very promising, since, on the one hand, it will allow you to introduce ready -made developments of Armenian scientists into industry, and on the other hand, it will enable institutions of the Nan RA to engage in new areas of fundamental studies that have not yet been conducted.

M. Poghosyan noted that the signing of the agreement was preceded by serious work to identify the areas of cooperation, and the implementation of the agreement would create the basis for the development of human potential available in Armenia. M. Poghosyan did not exclude the possibility of introducing new technologies and new materials obtained by Armenian scientists in the aircraft industry.