“Minimum” will grow!

For most working residents of cities, the concept of “minimum wage” is not something purely economic and abstract. Some of the population receives precisely this salary, and everything else acquires in gray envelopes. Someone has a salary in the amount of the minimum wage and everything else is calculated as a percentage of this payment and is called a premium. Many of those who work for not a full time, mi have a salary at all in the amount of this most minimum indicator. In such conditions, the news of an imminent increase in Mrot seems very timely and optimistic. By the end of this year and the beginning of the next, it is planned to finally determine the new size of the minimum payment, issue relevant legislative acts and finish the acceptance of various documents from organizations. Today, the minimum wage is 5205 rubles. The next year, the minimum wage should amount to 6800 rubles. A significant increase in the real wages of the city residents. This project has two goals. Firstly, to reflect the existing rates of growth and development of the region, supporting the development of social. As a rule, the increase in the minimum wage is reflected at the general level of salaries of even those citizens who receive the entire salary absolutely officially. Secondly, it is gray payments that should be reduced. Although some experts doubt about the second indicator, however, to try this method of struggle, according to economic ministries, is definitely worth. Anatoly Vasiliev, Minister of Labor and Social Development of our region, was the initiator of the changes. The official information in the media was provided by information bodies under the governor of the region. Therefore, residents can hope for a real increase in wages next year. In any case, its “white” part. Employers, in turn, have a theoretical alternative. Within thirty days from the date of publication of the relevant decree, any enterprise has the right to submit a certain appeal. It should set out good reasons why the organization does not consider it possible and advisable to accept changes. If such a protest will not be submitted, the employer organization is automatically considered a consonant with a new procedure and will be responsible for its execution.