Unknown opened fire at the Johns Hopkins hospital

The American news service “CNN” reports that in Baltimore (Maryland) in the building of the city hospital “Johns Hopkins” an unknown man began shooting.

As a result of the incident, one of the doctors of this hospital was seriously injured. According to the hospital administration, the wounded man has already been performed, so nothing more threatens his life.

At the same time, it is reported that the offender is still in the hospital. At the moment, the operation to detain the Baltorsky Police. So one of the representatives of law enforcement agencies said that part of the Johns Hopkins hospital has already been evacuated. All at the moment in the hospital strictly not in any case not to leave their chambers and offices before the resolution of an emergency situation.

In conclusion, we note that the Baltor Hospital “Johns Hopkins”, designed for 982 patients, is one of the most prestigious medical institutions in the United States of America.