Survey results: the financial literacy of Russians has decreased

The National Agency for Financial Research (NAFA) conducted a sociological study of the level of financial literacy of the population. His results, published last Thursday, indicate that respondents began to evaluate their knowledge in financial matters.

In particular, only 20% of respondents said that their level of financial literacy is quite high, they can “make a mile away” to see the scammer and for no reason they are plunged into the cash scam. Last year there were five percent more such people. But the share of those who confessed to their complete economic illiteracy doubled. If in 2010 there were only 7%of them, then last year – already 15%.

The fractions of the respondents who consider their knowledge in the financial sphere are practical – 44%, and unsatisfactory – 21%remained practically unchanged.

It is not surprising that the largest number of financially competent people are in the age group from 24 to 35 years old. 24% of young people of this age consider their knowledge and skills in using money and other good services. The Internet plays a significant role in financial educational program. Thus, Russians who consider themselves to be aces in finance are much larger among highly profitable groups of the population and daily visitors to the network.

Not only subjective, but also objective indicators of the level of financial literacy of the population have decreased, state in Naf. In particular, the respondents were offered a test, the main purpose of which was to recognize the financial pyramid and another major money fraud. If in 2010 28% of respondents correctly coped with this task, then in 2011 – only 23%.

The study was attended by 1,600 people from 46 regions of Russia. The statistical error of the survey does not exceed 3.4%.