Germany of third -party green technology

Funds for the goal of Germany in 2050 to completely abandon atomic energy come from conscious taxpayers and importers of alternative energy solutions. The government reluctantly calls the cost of switching to a low -carbon economy, but they are convinced that they can afford hundreds of billions of euros for high quality life. Ecology Minister, Norbert Rotten, made a report on the results held in Durban, a climate conference. And summed up that the goal of Germany and the EU by 2015 is to create a legal document on the protection of climate, which can change all energy reality. The accident at Focusim finally pushed Germany to the energy transition, according to the plan of which, already in 2022, a complete rejection of the atomic energy industry will occur. This year 8 nuclear stations out of 22 were already disconnected. Germany wants to become the most energy -efficient state in the world. Unfortunately, a clear course of the energy transition has not yet been developed, but the scrupulous Germans believe that to make flexible decisions quite clearly set goals and fiscal instruments. Germany decided on a huge experiment with the participation of ordinary citizens. Low -carbon technologies occupy almost 20% of German exports, and the global green technology market is almost 4 trillion euros. And the German government without shame claims that the care of ecology also brings a good income.