The United States canceled the ban on deep -sea drilling

The Associated Press news agency reports that in the United States of America, a moratorium introduced after the accident that occurred in the Mexican Gulf of Mexican.

So Ken Salazar, the head of the American Ministry of the Interior on Tuesday October, stated that the decision to cancel the ban on drilling enters into force immediately. Before this statement, it was assumed that the moratorium on drilling would remain in force until November thirty. Giving explanations regarding the decision on the early abolition of the ban, Salazar stated that the recently established new rules for oil production on the shelf, which were introduced after the accident in the Gulf of Mexico, significantly reduce the risk of repetition of such large -scale leaks.

At the same time, representatives of oil companies operating in the US market noted that, even despite the abolition of the ban, deep -sea drilling will only resume only after several weeks. So they say that at this time, the details of the new rules of oil production have not yet been brought to the oil companies, so it remains unclear how much time it takes to work in full accordance with them.

For the first time, the administration of Barack Obama was introduced for the development of deep -sea oils. This decree was signed at the end of April this year a few days after the Deepwater Horizon oil platform, located in the Gulf of the accident,. Recall that the oil leak occurred in the Mexican Gulf of Mexico became the largest environmental disaster in the entire history of the United States.

It is worth noting that earlier oil -producing companies filed a lawsuit in the New Orleans court, thereby trying to challenge the introduction of a ban on deep -sea drilling. As a result, the court spoke on their side and at the end of June canceled the moratorium on the deep -sea development of oil wells. Despite the fact that the administration of the American president failed to challenge the abolition of the ban, nevertheless, in July, a new moratorium was introduced through the November thirty of November.