Finland enters the LNG market in August

The first terminal appeared in the Finnish territories, which will be used to import gas of natural origin, which has passed the liquefaction process, plan to hand over to work in the future month. Built it in the city of Pori. The corresponding report on the weekend was widespread by the Finnish origin of Gasum. It was the company relating to this group that received the purpose of the design execution.

Recall that on the weekend the first batch of gas was taken to the terminal. “Client supplies of the commercial level will begin this fall this year. With the help of LNG, we can talk about the diversification of the Finnish market in terms of the energy sphere. The fact is that LNG can be distributed without using gas pipelines for the delivery of fuel, ”the groups emphasize.

It was also noted that the project related to terminal construction was implemented in accordance with the plan. No incidents have happened for this time. In total, more than eight tens of millions of euros investments were invested in the project.

According to the head of the company Johanna Laminen, through the use of LNG it will be possible to seriously reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere. The new terminal in Pori will be able to pass up to half a million tons of LNG annually. At the same time, two years later the same terminal will appear in the territory of another city.