The benefits of building your own house in Cyprus

According to experts of the DOM real estate agency, independent housing construction has always been profitable and on average 20-30% cheaper than buying.

At the same time, the success of the project directly depends on the land plot, its characteristics, location, as well as the permitted percentage of development.

Each of us at least once in his life, at least for a minute, thought about the house of his dreams. In our bold fantasies, we imagine houses in an unusual design, infinitely cozy and comfortable just for us, surrounded by greenery or sharp-toothed rocks, with giant panoramic windows or stylized portholes.

Some go further and take another step on the way to the dream house on a warm island — they start designing it on paper or a simple program on a personal computer. Fortunately, beautiful Cyprus gives everyone the opportunity to build their ideal home, whether it is a citizen of the country or a foreigner.

If you have reviewed all possible options for ready-made housing in Cyprus, but have remained true to your cherished dream, this article is for you!

As it turned out, building your own house is not only extremely interesting, but also economical. Although analysts are not so optimistic in their statements regarding this issue.

Construction in Cyprus is another activity with a bunch of pitfalls that can begin at the stage of buying a plot. But if you have a lot of free time and nerves, then you can build yourself to save money,” says the real estate expert of the DOM agency.

What does the price per square meter consist of during construction?
First of all , they are taken into account:

  • location of the land plot;
  • the presence of groundwater under the site (increases the cost of the foundation);
  • building materials;
  • design and total area of the house.

A professional construction company with the appropriate license and staff will help you build a house a little. But you also participate in the construction, because it is your idea that they embody! Payment is made in installments after completion of each stage.

In accordance with the legislation of Cyprus, after the delivery of the object, it is guaranteed for a period of one year.