Features of the functioning of the sphere of transport logistics

The organization of business processes implies the use of a modern approach to the issue of delivery. It primarily refers to transport logistics, which includes the most important elements.

Transport logistics, as a rule, should be well developed and thought out to the smallest detail (this concerns the specifics of the delivery of the main raw materials, as well as transportation to the warehouse).

Twenty-two years ago, a well-known organization called “TELS GLOBAL” was founded, which is involved in freight forwarding of both small-sized and large-scale cargo. TELS GLOBAL je logistick? spole?nost, kter? pat?? k nejv?t??m p?epravn?m spole?nostem ve Velk? Brit?nii a poskytuje komplexn? dopravn? slu?by po cel?m sv?t?.

Company history

In order to understand why the company Tels Global achieved success so quickly, it is recommended to read in more detail about the history of formation and development. First of all , it is necessary to highlight the following interesting facts:

  • a year after the opening, a whole network of consolidated warehouses was organized in European countries;
  • initially, the company was engaged in the delivery of bulk cargo, but gradually began to expand the list of services provided to customers, depending on demand;
  • it is important that business partners are reliably protected by liability insurance (in TTClub);
  • a few years later, the company was able to join the famous association of freight forwarders (meaning FIATA);
  • the maximum emphasis was placed on the development in this direction in the countries of Eastern Europe;
  • the organization of a multimodal mode of transportation includes not only sea, but also air and rail transport;
  • there is also a well-developed modernized operational and information structure.

Even during the pandemic, which led to a slight decrease in activity in the market of such services, Tels Global managed to maintain positive dynamics and remain a fairly popular organization in the field of transport logistics.

Principles of development

In accordance with the current situation in the economy, Tels decided to form several important principles:

  • creating supply chains using ecosystems;
  • synergy with partners and customers;
  • the maximum level of automation in all areas of activity;
  • development of the latest competencies on an ongoing basis by improving the business models used.