Great Britain and France will create a military alliance

Referring to its own sources, The Daily Telegraph news agency reports that at the Summit planned for tomorrow, which will be held in London, the French president-Nicolas Sarkozy and the British Prime Minister-David Cameron will announce the conclusion of a new cooperation agreement in military sector.

So, according to the information provided by the publication, according to the terms of the transaction between France and Great Britain, these powers will be one step from the merger of the army. The same step will enable countries to significantly reduce the costs of defense.

Some time ago, the media already got information that the UK and France intend to jointly use their aircraft carriers. However, based on the personal sources of the “The Daily Telegraph” publication, the new agreement will not be limited to this. So, according to the terms of the new agreement, from now on, both countries will always coordinate all military operations with each other. In addition, now France and Great Britain will jointly use the equipment that is available to them, conduct joint training of their military personnel and send them to serve abroad. It is also noted that the upcoming cooperation will affect many research projects.

At the same time, the Government of Great Britain noted that the United Kingdom is still independent by military force, which means it is not obliged to receive the approval of the French authorities to send their troops somewhere. In addition, the conclusion with France of cooperation will not affect the prevailing “special relations” of Great Britain and the United States of America, as well as the position of Britain in NATO.

Diplomats note that the British and French military have experience in joint cooperation in Bosnia and Afghanistan. In addition, today the areas of attention of these two states are some of the Middle Eastern and African regions.

According to expectations, officially the general provisions of the future agreement will be known on the first of November during the appeal of the British Prime Minister – David Cameron to the House of Commons. In order to emphasize all the seriousness of the upcoming agreements, French will arrive at the Sarkozi summit along with Sarkozy: the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Defense and Finance.