Young scientists are not yet dared to provide housing. Inconsistency of realities

But young scientists do not have so rosy prospects. Firstly, the “Housing” program is designed only for employees of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Therefore, university scientists do not get into it. On this occasion, the President of Russia believes that it is worth thinking about creating interdepartmental programs to improve housing conditions with the participation of state power, universities and local self -government. Secondly, the money that was allocated to workers of science is very few. Only two dozen certificates are allocated for the year to receive housing in the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and 460 scientists need it – 460 scientists need it.

Academician Sergey Aldoshin, Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences of several more problems. It turns out that the Government of the Russian Federation was additionally allocated to ensure the housing of scientists this year another 1 billion rubles. And the same amount is promised to finance and in the next. The problem is that it is impossible to spend them. This is due to the fact that the maximum cost of one square meter of housing established by the regional ministry for scientists is much lower than that which is actually present on the market. For example, in the Sverdlovsk region, a threshold of 33.6 thousand rubles per 1 sq. M was set, but in fact, the cost of housing in the same Yekaterinburg will be the minimum for the economy class will be 45 thousand rubles. Something also happens in the Chelyabinsk region: the real price is at least 28 thousand rubles, and the government set by government standards is 26.4 thousand rubles.

Victor Basargin concluded: if it is impossible to buy housing, then you need to build it. Construction should be invested in established standards. But the problem is that it will not work to quickly build houses for all scientists. So the issue of housing for scientists is still open.