As one of the key social competencies of modern man and. BUT. Winter determines the competence in the field of health -saving, which includes knowledge and compliance with the norms of a healthy lifestyle, personal hygiene rules, and everyday life; Physical culture of a person, freedom and responsibility for choosing a lifestyle. The formation of this competence by means of physical education and sports, within the framework of the subject “Physical Culture”, it seems that no one is in doubt. However, the question remains the question of how to determine whether or not a person in the field of the health of savings, than to measure the physical culture of a future specialist, compliance with their healthy lifestyle and t. D. Here we are talking about the absence of measuring materials on a physical culture of a competent nature today.

On the other hand, in our opinion, the consideration of the educational process in physical culture in the framework of the training of a specialist only in terms of forming competence, the health of savings is (to some extent) one -sided. The general social and personal essence of physical activity, interpenetration in various spheres of human life, is also reflected in the formation of key (general, universal, other.) competencies.

So, during the work of the Tuning program, general (instrumental, interpersonal, systemic) and special competencies were highlighted. Consider the possibility of influence by means and methods of physical culture and sports on the formation of bonds.

Instrumental competencies:

– adequate organization of classes and the presentation of educational material, the creation of problem situations in the implementation of practical and methodological and practical tasks, in our opinion, develop the ability to analyze and synthesis;