It makes sense to rename the police into the police?

The meaning would really be clear if the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was replaced by a strong, more effective and democratic at the same time, structure.

But where to get new people and specialists to replace the existing police? Where to take money – it is already clear, not so long ago the president has decided on the wages of “new” police officers.

What can change from the renaming of police into police officers? People of this difficult profession are not offended by respect and self -esteem. By and large, police officers, like future police officers, are of little interest to the question of the attitude of the people towards them, from the point of view of public opinion. After all, they (cops or cops, as anyone likes) representatives of the authorities are in the service of the state, protecting the dream of civilians, being on the most dangerous and difficult front, invisible to an ordinary individual. And an ordinary individual always looks from the point of view of a grazing as an unreasonable herd, dangerous and suspicious.

So the signs will change, but the essence will remain. Under the noise of the wind of changes, the staff of the employees will be open again, and then reduced again, to its current size, so there is nothing special to reason here. And there is nothing to worry about. And those really necessary measures and initiatives, according to a good tradition, will either be silent or become rush off. So you need to do something, just? Ah, yes, rename…