Government measures in Japan

Dear Ian steps on the feet of Japan’s economy. And then serious actions went. They consist in the approval by the government of the package of additional measures in terms of economics. An approximate solution is located around 11 billion dollars.

Perspective – jobs will increase by 200,000, GDP will increase by 0.3%.

There is support for the country’s economy. After all, dear Yena, extremely negatively affects the financial situation. There are also fears that the growth of the Japanese economy is seriously slowing down.

A few numbers. About 1,700,000,000 dollars will go to the construction of houses based on the system of energy -saving materials. Another $ 1,300,000,000 will be spent on increasing eco-products in the internal sector.

In general, high -quality products are always valued. Whether it is a polyamide rope or overalls. The level of production plays a key role. Naturally, taking into account the environmental factor.

It is worth noting the allocation of money to help young specialists who will go to increase their hiring.

As I used to write, it is worth expecting serious attempts at 83/84 tests, and in case of good luck, attempts will be made to go to the 80th figure. I really would not want the government of Japan to allow such a step of speculators. The role of a high course can affect not only the economic situation in the country itself, but also the states that actively sell with Japan.