Investment programs of Bashkiria

The other day, the press service of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Bashkortostan has reported that the Republican Address Investment Program (Raip) will be implemented since 2012. This project was developed and approved by the Government of the Republic of Belarus on December 26, 2011. According to this document, in 2012, state funds will be distributed to certain needs of the Republic of Belarus.

The main place in the program is given to state investments in the social sphere. The budget of the current state investment program has 8.7 billion. rubles, of which the development of healthcare, culture, sports, as well as the improvement of education objects, about 4.5 billion are assigned. rubles, which is almost 52% of the total amount of allocated funds. In connection with the approval of the Raip for 2012, the leadership of the republic planned to carry out a number of construction projects, namely: to put into operation 52 kindergartens, 13 physical education complexes, 6 schools and carry out the construction of the Ice Palace in Sterlitamak. In addition, it is planned to carry out serious work on the reconstruction of healthcare facilities, utilities, environmental and agro -industrial complexes. Representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Bashkortostan said that the organization of the investment process for 2012 has been amended. According to the new rules, investment costs, as well as financing repair and construction work, will be carried out in accordance with several programs, in the formation of which it is planned to use different state structures. The Government of the Republic of Belarus intends to develop a single investment policy. To resolve this issue, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic is going to prepare for the first time a coordination plan for investment activities and construction and repair work in the republic for 2012. The plan will include a number of investment areas, such as the Republican Address Investment Program (Raip), the Investment Fund of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the objects of the federal targeted investment program, and those objects whose financing is carried out at the expense of other sources of the budget not related to the budget. In the near future, the Government of Bashkortostan plans to conduct consideration of this document.